Morrow Renewables operates projects that produce approximately 14.5 million cubic feet (14,500 mmbtu/d) of renewable biogas each day. We have built 15 high-BTU RNG facilities and currently operate nine of those facilities.
Buffalo Creek Renewables – Iowa Park, Texas
The Buffalo Creek Renewables RNG facility is located in Iowa Park, Texas on the Waste Connections’ Buffalo Creek Landfill and was commissioned in October of 2024. The facility utilizes Selexol with a design capacity of 2250 scfm. The system is designed to convert up to 98% of the methane into RNG for injection into the local gas transmission system. The facility has a 5:1 turndown ratio capable of treating a wide band of inlet flows without sacrificing efficiency nor the need for major upgrades in the future as the landfill grows and gas production increases.
A full wellfield buildout was required for the project, of which Morrow Renewables utilized their own in-house wellfield construction crews, driller, and drill rig. The crew drilled and completed 84 wells, installed over 4 miles of six, eight, twelve, and eighteen inch pipe and headers, 8 sumps, and over 10 miles of air and water lines.

Weatherford Renewables – Weatherford, Texas
The Weatherford Renewables RNG facility is located in Weatherford, Texas on the Waste Connections’ Weatherford Landfill and was commissioned in November of 2024. The facility utilizes Selexol TM with a design capacity of 2250 scfm. The system is designed to convert up to 98% of the methane into RNG for injection into the local gas transmission system. An H2S solid media and O2 reactor were paired with the Selexol TM system to meet the requirements for converting the raw gas to pipeline quality RNG. The facility has a 3:1 turndown ratio capable of treating a wide band of inlet flows without sacrificing efficiency nor the need for major upgrades in the future as the landfill grows and gas production increases.
The landfill previously installed a handful of wells and a small header system for odor control. The Morrow Renewables wellfield construction crew performed a complete wellfield buildout utilizing their own in-house wellfield construction crews, driller, and drill rig. The crew drilled and completed 74 wells, installed over 2 miles of four, six, eight, twelve, and eighteen inch pipe and headers, 4 sumps, and over 4 miles of air and water lines.
Turkey Creek Renewables – Alvarado, Texas
The Turkey Creek facility is the fifth landfill gas to RNG facility designed, owned, and operated by Morrow Renewables. Constructed and commissioned in early 2012 on the Turkey Creek Landfill in Alvarado, Texas. The original design capacity of 2700scfm has since been increased with plant upgrades and technologies improving the treating capacity to over 3100 scfm to accommodate the increased biogas production in the landfill. Pipeline quality RNG from the project is injected into a local gathering system for delivery to a variety of markets which over the life of the project have included power generation for the City of Los Angeles, biomethanol production for use in the European ISCC markets, and in the EPA RFS2 program for CNG/LNG vehicles.
MR has full control of the wellfield at Turkey Creek Landfill and performs all O&M tasks our landfill partner requires for compliance and safe operation of the GCCS. Since inception, numerous horizontal and vertical wells have been installed to control the landfill gas and maximize production. MR technicians also perform daily well readings and well adjustments to ensure compliance and inlet gas quality to the RNG facility.